Bango offers mobile content providers free Payforit audits

With the new UK Payforit mobile content payment standard now in play – starting with O2 on 1st September 2007 – Bango is offering content providers a free mobile website audit. These audits will be conducted by Bango experts, who will review a content provider’s mobile site against a 28-point check list for basic services. At the end of this process, the content provider will be provided with clear guidance on what needs to be done to bring the site up to the Payforit standard.
Payforit is a UK-wide initiative backed by all five network operators and the leading technical platform providers including Bango. It is designed to promote a safe and enjoyable WAP-based experience for off-portal content putting control of mobile purchasing completely into the hands of the consumer. In June this year, Bango published research showing that for these WAP mobile services, consumer satisfaction is significantly higher than for Premium SMS based services, with refund levels consistently less than 1% of transactions billed.

“Bango research shows that it is a much better business model for content providers, however the migration for some providers feels a bit like cramming for exams, with a lot left until the last minute. Our audit service provides a clear, objective survey of how close a site is to meeting the guidelines.”Anil Malhotra, SVP of Marketing at Bango

Content providers register with Bango at and then plug in Bango payment points into their mobile website whenever they want to charge for content. The Bango service is automatically Payforit compliant and takes care of marketing opt-ins, a new aspect of the Payforit service.

“Some SMS aggregators require customers to re-integrate or re-develop their sites to comply with the latest Payforit specification which slows time to market, losing revenues and increasing cost and risk, this is not so with Bango.”Anil Malhotra, SVP of Marketing at Bango

With more businesses are launching a ‘mobile web’ presence, Bango provides a single integration point that makes it easy to drive traffic to the mobile site, understand who the visitors are, track marketing campaigns and collect payment for digital content world-wide.
To find out more about Payforit and Bango Payforit audits, please visit: