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Bango delivers best payout promise for big brands with new Bango Advantage package

by Sukey Miller

Bango today announced the new Bango Advantage package, specifically designed for the growing numbers of large brands jumping onto the mobile internet. Bango Advantage offers the most advanced mobile payment solution with the highest possible earnings rates world-wide thanks to a ‘best payout promise’.
Bango Advantage dynamically connects consumers to the best billing provider to enable high earning mobile sites to get global reach through more than 40 different billing channels for a cost of just 1 cent on a typical $1 transaction.
“Bango delivers standard rates equivalent to going direct to individual billing companies, yet without the costs or complexities of integrating with each of them,” said Matt Dicks, Head of Media at Ministry of Sound. “And when we pass our agreed volume levels, Bango takes us to within 1% of best available mobile operator wholesale rates, giving us the broadest reach at the lowest cost.”
Bango Advantage is designed for leading companies and global brands that want to build the best direct relationships with their customers through the mobile internet. Bango Advantage delivers everything that is needed to drive people to a mobile site, identify, track and understand these visitors and charge for premium content world-wide. It provides all the tools, information and services needed to establish a highly successful presence on the mobile internet.
Bango uses all the leading billing methods and our unique BillRank™ technology to determine the optimum billing method to pay for mobile services,” said Ray Anderson, CEO at Bango. “It is important to us is that content providers get maximum returns on their marketing investment by earning the highest possible rate – we’re here to make them successful.”
If a customer of the new Bango Advantage package finds a better available payout rate for a specific billing channel, then Bango will integrate that rate and match it. With this approach, Bango and its “Advantage Partners” can use their combined buying power to benefit all content providers. Bango also ensures compliance with payment schemes such as PayForIt, the UK mobile operators’ trusted mobile payment scheme and the MMA guidelines in the US.
Content providers also choose Bango for the higher overall conversion rates achieved with this technology. Users are given choices on ways to pay and this leads to more completed payments. These payment options include pay on phone bill, credit/debit card and PayPal. Content providers get paid for 100% of all transactions as Bango’s tracking and fraud prevention measures overcome revenue leakage, estimated by iGillottResearch to be as high as 18% of sales.
Why the mobile internet?
The Bango payment service, a core component of the Bango Advantage package, provides billing within a WAP session. By building sites on the mobile internet model, brands ensure they provide a superior user experience where users only pay for the content they want and that works on their phone. It also taps into increasing use of search and advertising on mobile as people looking for new mobile content and services, browse into mobile sites from a search engine or click-through from a mobile ad.
Businesses of all sizes are using Bango to seize the opportunity to engage directly with their consumers on the mobile internet. These include global brands such as News Corporation, Manchester United Football Club, Discovery Mobile and MTV, together with smaller, niche content providers. Each Bango package is designed for business’s different needs from the Bango Focus package for smaller content providers to the Bango Target and Bango Advantage package for global brands.

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