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Cei Sanderson

Cei ensures everyone in the organization understands the product vision; understands the current product strategy and how their role contributes towards both. He spends time validating the product strategy and empowering teams to deliver against it.

Cei came to Bango from Featurespace Ltd, building products to prevent credit and debit cards being used by fraudsters and to identify money laundering in real-time. A unique problem of identifying anomalous behavior in milliseconds using advanced Machine Learning. Prior to that Cei was at Smart Metering Systems (SMS) looking at the next generation of smarter energy assets to support a more sustainable world. Cei’s been building enterprise products for over 15 years and loves to help start up and SME’s build product organizations.

  • What’s the background behind your name? For the real background on my name, it’s something to do with knights, round tables and obscure versions of Celtic text. I see it that my parents wanted me to spend most of my life on the phone spelling out just 3 simple letters again and again
  • What’s your favorite movie and why? Cool Hand Luke (1967) – Paul Newman at his absolute best, and has the line that Guns n Roses used in their song, Civil War… “What we’ve got here is failure to communicate”
  • Interesting fact about yourself: I have batted on the center wicket at Lords Cricket Ground in a real game. Back in 2015 my cricket club, Foxton CC, made it to the final of the National Village Cup, and I scored 72 on the most famous cricket ground in the world