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The second worst ad campaign in the world

Our other worst ad

We like great targeting at Bango. We like Tik Tok, Instagram Reels and YouTube Shorts almost as much, but marketers aren’t taking advantage of the targeting features offered by these short-form video platforms.

To illustrate this point, we’ve returned with some more low-grade advertising capital to offer a profound marketing lesson.

Last time, we picked the UK’s worst billboard. This time, we took out print ads in some of the world’s most obscure magazines covering drainage, teddy bears, and Emus.

Why? … Because it’s still more targeted than your average social media ad.

More targeted than your social media ad

Alarmingly, we have reason to believe these uninspiring publications attract more eyeballs than your average social media promotion.

Through analysis of over 5000 impressions, our data shows over 90% of ads on popular short-form video platforms weren’t relevant to user interests.

Users with preferences for “Sports”, “Travel” and “Gaming” faced an onslaught of irrelevant ads, with 11% covering video editing software, 4% pushing novelty lamps, and 3.3% promoting toilet roll.

Perhaps print ads are more effective than commonly assumed. Or could it be that marketers are simply ignoring the targeting tools available to them on apps such as TikTok, Instagram and YouTube?

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of ads on popular short-form video platforms don’t reach their intended audience

This really matters.

You might get the picture if you’ve followed us long enough. This is another stunt. We don’t really believe that situating your ads amidst Emus in print will do you any good.

But here’s the point: while short-form video platforms can be an effective channel in your digital marketing strategy, they’ll only work if you know how to use them properly. That means getting ad targeting right to make good on your digital ad spend. At present, this isn’t happening.

With global ad spend expected to top $1 trillion for the first time next year, marketers could waste a staggering $92 billion of their video ad spend in 2024 alone.

So how do we turn short-form video platforms from a fad into an advertising channel that can deliver?

$92bn of video ad spend could be wasted in 2024 due to poor targeting

Bango Audiences

Bango Audiences opens up an alternative world of ad targeting. By using purchase behavior targeting marketers can reach potential customers based on what they’ve previously purchased online.

Analyzing billions of dollars of ecommerce spending data, Bango delivers audiences straight to your social media ad platforms. You spend your precious ad budget targeting people that are interested in purchasing your products. Buyers, not just browsers.

Check out Bango Audiences